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    Healthy and green buildings attract the most valuable tenants

    The way businesses view their office space has changed. They want newer, better-equipped buildings that combine aesthetic appeal with a best-in-class infrastructure dedicated to employee well-being. If your building doesn’t support those needs, they may search for a new space in a building that does. 


    Developing a healthy and green workplace depends on gathering and analyzing large sets of data — data that allows businesses to better understand how their space is used and create an environment that’s perfectly tailored to their employees.

    Data analytics displayed on tablet

    Track occupancy

    Sensors track desk occupancy at either the room or floor plan level to avoid overcrowding and improve productivity. With analytics, property managers can track metrics and gather insights to optimize the workplace and reduce costs for unused space.
    Two employees sat in office chairs talking

    Monitor working conditions

    Sensors distributed throughout an office space can monitor many aspects of the environment, including temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, levels of volatile organic compounds, and atmospheric pressure. Your business tenants can use this sensor data to ensure the best working conditions for their employees. Business owners are far more likely to extend their tenancy in a building that facilitates employee well-being.
    View of an office meeting room

    Achieve building standards certification

    Earning a building standards certification will make your building more attractive to potential tenants. Take the WELL Building Standard, for example, which links office design, policies, and built environment strategies to health and well being outcomes. Interact Space analysis can help you meet WELL Building standards and attract high-quality tenants.

    Space analysis at work

    Guests walking through brightly-lit atrium


    • Collect actionable data to optimize building systems and improve tenant well-being
    • Create an attractive building for potential tenants
    • Support your mission to achieve healthy building standard certification

    Discover what Space analysis can do for you

    • Gain profitability by going healthy and green

      Gain profitability by going healthy and green

      For building owners, the highest financial value now occurs through upgraded workplaces that invest in the health and well-being of occupants.

    • Commit to health and well-being with connected lighting

      Commit to health and well-being with connected lighting

      Today, commercial real estate strategies must focus on human-centric workplaces and healthier building environments. Connected technologies play a key role.

    How an Interact system works

    Man working at a PC


    Interact systems consist of Interact software, connected luminaires, and optional Signify services.

    Connected LED lighting from Philips

    Man installing an LED light


    Interact systems work with energy-efficient, flexible, professional LED lighting from Philips.

    How can your workplace facilitate health and well-being?

    View of office break room


    Take a human-centric approach to lighting and to business, with Interact’s flexible, fully scalable system.

    Take the next step

    Talk to our experts


    Tell us what you're looking for. Our experts will work with you to design the system that's right for you. If you're a system specifier, find out more about enhancing your client's offering with Interact and request access to tender text.

    Tools & resources


    Join our developer community for access to open APIs and other development tools. You can create personal assistance apps, integrate with building management systems, analyze collected data for new insights, and much more.

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